Hello neighbors – I have some exciting news to share. As the Village kicks off its end of year fundraising (in time for Giving Tuesday) we have been offered a special $5,000 challenge match. That means every dollar our donors contribute up to $5,000 will be matched dollar-for-dollar.
To make your contribution work harder give through this challenge program. You can do so online at www.cwpv.org/challenge or via Zelle using donate@cwpv.org.
The Power of "Neighbors helping Neighbors"
I’m so thankful for this support and the story behind it traces back to what many people love about the Village. The idea of neighbors helping neighbors. “Neighbor” is one of my favorite concepts because it describes an unspoken intimacy we can all immediately understand. A neighbor is more than just someone who lives nearby, it means a mutually supportive and caring relationship: we watch out for our neighbor who in turn watches out for us. And we are all stronger as a result.
I was describing the Village idea of Neighbors helping Neighbors to two of my longtime and dear friends – Bryon and Patricia. Both had provided care for parents, and they were inspired by the Village concept. In fact, they were so impressed that they wanted to know how they could help, and they came up with the idea to match up to $5,000 in dollars raised as part Giving Tuesday!
I was stunned by their generosity and so grateful because I see first-hand what that funding would allow us to do. This year alone, we’ve held nearly 400 events, including community events, such as Tuesday Talks at the library, balance assessment and vaccine clinics, and musical concerts – all FREE to our community. For those that need a little help, the Village also provides transportation to medical appointments, grocery and Rx deliveries, and in-home support. We offer subsidized memberships for those with limited incomes to ensure that every older adult in our community that needs help, receives it, regardless of the ability to pay. An extra $5,000 will support all these programs next year, and more.

I guess that’s another thing I love about neighbors helping neighbors – it inspires people like Bryon and Patricia. The Village is truly a wonderful, caring community where friendships developed and are cultivated. I saw a little of that firsthand yesterday - I was thrilled to be able to briefly join a small group from our Village and Northwest Neighbors Village at Lillies for Thanksgiving dinner.
I’m so proud of our work and the impact that I see we make in the lives of so many older adults. Will you join me on this Giving Tuesday by donating to the Village? Remember, whatever you give will be matched up to $5,000.
Frank Finamore is Executive Director of the Village